Aeration of Wastewater

Treatment Plants

Which kind of surface aeration system is the most efficient technology for your project? Is it a surface aerator, like our BSK®‑Turbine or is it one of the other existing aeration systems?

We will answer this important question by providing you with an objective comparison to assist you in finding the most economical and efficient solution.

Our daily work, the dimensioning and supply of sewage treatment equipment for international projects,  qualifies us to select the most suitable machines and technologies for each application.

This is the only way to ensure that our systems are and remain economical and therefore competitive.

The technology used for each project, rarely depends on efficiency alone.

For each dimensioning process we  also consider factors like climatic conditions for each location, the operator and his experience, and ease of  maintaining the system for the planned operation period.

BSK®-Dekanter Abwasser Oberflächenbelüftung

Possible aeration techniques for oxygenation

  • Surface aerator
  • Fine bubble air diffusion
  • Disc aerators
  • Stripe aerators
  • Plate aerators
  • Pipe aerators
  • Coarse bubble air diffusion
  • Mixing and aeration systems (mixing and aeration with only one system)

We invite you to contact us today!

On the field of aeration technology, we can offer you complete solutions based on our experiences, e.g. including compressed air blowers and piping or just individual components.

Ansicht mehrerer Tellerbelüfter von außen

Disc diffusers before the first aeration test

Heraushebbare Belüftergitter mit Rohrbelüftern

Lift-out diffuser grilles with tube diffusers for easy maintenance

Rühr- und Begasungssystem im Einsatz bei vollgefülltem Abwasserbecken

Agitation and gassing system with full tank

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