Experienced Worldwide, Innovative, Solution-Oriented

With more than 30 years of experience and hundreds of references we are your perfect partner for unique and efficient wastewater treatment solutions. We are working worldwide, having references from China to Mexico and are active in many countries – either directly or represented by partner companies. The focus of our activities is on biological wastewater treatment plants.

Our treatment plants are basically tailored to the individual project conditions, equipped with first-class and reliable equipment made in Germany or Europe and in most cases clearly surpass the local requirements regarding effluent quality and energy consumption. Single or multi-lane SBR-wastewater treatment plants, combined continuous flow treatment plants as well as innovative designed wastewater treatment plants for the industrial sector are part of our portfolio.

We design and realize solutions starting with 500 populations equivalents (p.e.) up to connection loads of 200,000 p.e. For all process types we guarantee an economic plant operation, excellent purification efficiency with highest possible reduction of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Especially in arid regions our treatment plants are designed for sustainable reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation of greens, parks, etc. Included in our plant concepts there are further plenty of technical solutions to meet the requirements of a fourth sewage treatment step.

Beyond planning and construction of biological wastewater treatment plants, two outstanding products complete our range of performances: The BSK®-Aeration Turbine and the BSK®-Decanter. Learn more in our portfolio about these and further solutions made by Biogest International GmbH.


About The Company

We are a German company located in Dresden (Saxony) and traditionally deal with wastewater treatment solutions for mostly international projects.

We are an independent and self-owned company and therefore neither depending on a preset product range nor on interests of stakeholders. With national and international engineers as well as experts of different fields we pursue exciting new projects every single day.

to detailed company profile (PDF)

The Way We Work

Biogest International GmbH is a design and engineering company in the field of wastewater treatment. Each project is provided with an individual solution regarding process technology as well as plant design. Our strength can be seen in the construction of turnkey wastewater treatment plants.

A high flexibility allows us to react fast and uncomplicated on changing project conditions, which is a benefit to all our customers.

During project handling our goal is to look beyond our own limit of supply to avoid any interface problems in the future. This principal way to work is appreciated by our customers and was the demand of the company’s activity ever since.

Haken im Kreis

We are certified according to ISO 9001

We have been fulfilling the requirements according to ISO 9001 since 2014 and thus we have been able to make our internal processes more efficient and define quality criteria for ourselves as well as for our products. Furthermore, the organizational structure was tightened and the responsibilities were clearly defined. The certification according to ISO 9001 is a basic requirement for dealing with international projects in public but also in private sectors.  

Download ISO-Certificate
WWTP Koprivnica

Performances and References

Collage History of BSK-Turbines

Historic Review

The former Biogest Systemkläranlagen GmbH was founded in Wiesbaden in 1976 with 3 employees. During the first years WWTPs of the Adam Opel AG and the Badische Staatsbrauerei Rothaus AG were implemented. In the 1980’s the SBR-operation principle of biological wastewater treatment plants was developed together with the Swiss partner company NORM AMC AG. As a result of this cooperation the surface aerator “BSK®-Turbine” was developed, which was adapted as our own product in year 1992.

In 1992 the branch office in Dresden was opened, which is the main location of the company until today. At the same time the company’s name was changed into Biogest International GmbH. Between 1998 and 2000 the company developed a clear water discharge system called “BSK®-Decanter” and simultaneously optimized the BSK®-Turbine. In the following ten years the branch offices in Bulgaria, China, Croatia and Romania were founded. The number of employees increased up to 12 in Germany.

As a result of the intense participation in international public projects WWTP of town Koprivnica in Croatia was realized, which stated an amazing reference plant. In 2015 additional plants of towns like Gabrovo, Kardzhali and Svilengrad (Bulgaria) as well as in Liesti and Pechea (Romania) followed.

For construction of the wastewater treatment plant in Gabrovo, which was designed for a connection load of 100,000 population equivalents, we received the “Infrastructure Bulgaria Award 2016” as member of the contracted consortium. This award is given primarily to projects particularly adding value in terms of sustainability and improvement of the quality of life to the local population.

In 2020 Biogest International GmbH received the largest order for BSK®-Decanters in history and is very proud to be able to equip the largest SBR-wastewater treatment plant under construction worldwide in Bahrain with totally 36 clear water discharge systems including control systems.

Collage Fairs


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Project Engineer (m / f / d)
Environmental technology / wastewater technology / process engineering

Location: Dresden, Saxony
Field of activity: planning, project management
Employment: full-time 40h / week, part-time from 32h / week

Job description (PDF)